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a purple and white cow book cover
Seth Godin’s Purple Cow challenges traditional marketing norms and provides insights into creating remarkable products and services that stand out—just like a purple cow would in a field of ordinary cows.
Discover the multifaceted responsibilities of a portfolio manager in a family office, including asset allocation, investment selection, risk management, and estate planning, plus the key skills and challenges for optimizing wealth across generations.
Too often, founders fall into the trap of presenting their startup as just another player in a competitive race, rather than showcasing their unique value to the customer. The key to standing out isn’t a competitor-focused pitch—it’s a customer-focused one.
a book cover with a match stick and a lit match
In today's hyper-connected world, the rapid spread of ideas and behaviors can lead to unforeseen consequences. Malcolm Gladwell's "Revenge of the Tipping Point" delves into this phenomenon, offering insights particularly relevant to early-stage startup founders.


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