Startup founders from all over Los Angeles came to learn about ways that they can solve their business needs through the services of local agencies that were invited to showcase. M Accelerator was happy to host SBDC Los Angeles’ Startup Solutions Workshop and Founder Meetupon this past MLK Day. The startup founders that attended were
Alessia ha presentato ai nostri partecipanti Freeda, famosa startup italiana in rapida crescita, che in pochi anni ha sviluppato un processo creativo piuttosto interessante per connettersi con un audience giovane. I numeri stanno andando molto bene per Freeda in Europa, seconda solo a SkySport in Italia per le visualizzazioni video.
È stato un piacere averti con noi a Los Angeles, Alessia!
Firm lawyers will help M Accelerator’s early-stage companies formulate smart legal strategies to achieve sustainable growth LOS ANGELES—October 24, 2019 O’Melveny has joined forces with Los Angeles-based incubator M Accelerator to serve as M Accelerator’s exclusive legal provider. As part of this unique sponsorship agreement, O’Melveny lawyers will provide legal and commercial guidance to the