Can diversity be an empowerment tool for both tech and entertainment industries? The answer to this question can’t be rushed, nor simplistic.
That’s why on May 31st M-Accelerator took the chance to host ConnectXGlobal, a non-profit startup born in Paris and headed pretty much everywhere around the world. This global community of technophiles, entrepreneurs and leaders promotes innovation and equal opportunities while traveling abroad.

Once in South California, ConnectXGlobal Unconference chose M-Accelerator Headquarters as the perfect location for a roundtable. The main topic of discussion: why does diversity matter in tech and entertainment industry? Is it a new, global approach to inclusion needed?
Experts from different fields joined the event:
Bacely YoroBi, Founder and CEO of ConnectXGlobal,
Alessia Rotondo, screenwriter who works between Italy and the US.
Lizet Zayas founder and host at Successfuly also consultant for entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 businesses
Rosine Zadi Co-Founder at Nakiri and project manager at Phil Invest Club, in France.
Yannick Davidson Vossah Data Analyst at Apple and president at Africa Coding Club.
Dewayne Ferrell serial entrepreneur and founder at The Sound Bar, Shark Tank participant
Alessandro Marianantoni, Exec. Director at M Accelerator.

The flow of ideas has been constantly enriching, as the speakers approached the topic from very different backgrounds and point of views. As an international school with a focus on innovation, M-Accelerator shares with ConnectXGlobal a deep interest for such urgent matters. We really hope this will be only the beginning of a fruitful, long-lasting collaboration.