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Intrapreneurship is best defined as the practice of engaging in entrepreneurial endeavors within your company or organization. This includes but is not limited to developing and introducing new items, products, or services.
can international startups get funding in the US?
In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the entire process of getting funding in the US for your startup. We will cover everything from the current startup climate to preparing your pitch deck.

No-Code AI

No-code AI can be thought of as a subsect of these no-code platforms. It helps companies that use AI to perform a variety of activities and build AI models to drive those specific business goals.


The metaverse is described by Meta as “a set of virtual spaces where you can create and explore with other people who aren’t in the same physical space as you.” The word doesn’t refer to a certain type of technology. Rather, it's a shift in how we interact with technology.